"We capture photographs to comprehend the significance of our lives."

Photographs have the power to freeze a moment in time, preserving it for posterity. They allow us to look back on our memories and reflect on the experiences that have shaped us. Whether it's a picture of a loved one, a beautiful landscape, or a special event, photographs have a way of capturing the essence of a moment and reminding us of the emotions we felt at that time. In a world where everything moves at lightning speed, photographs give us the opportunity to slow down and appreciate the beauty of life.

Studio VC



Will my images be retouched?

Where do sessions take place?

Each image you order will undergo complete retouching without incurring any additional charges.

To provide optimal conditions for your session, let's discuss the most suitable location. Typically, my portrait sessions take place at my studio.

Ok, I am ready, what is next?


What can I do to help the session

go smoothly?


To schedule your session, please reach out to me at viviana@vivianacardona.com It's essential that we arrange a consultation meeting beforehand to go over all.

We will collaborate and strategize on your wardrobe, location, and timing. Your primary focus should be to relax and enjoy the process.